Coming Soon! Little Prayers for Everyday Life! A couple of weeks ago I rolled out this new website and some of you noticed the tiny “coming soon” cover on the home page. Good catch! I’m very excited to announce the forthcoming release of Little Prayers for Everyday Life coming to you from Beaming Books later this year (September!)
This book is a picture book version of my prayer book for families Prayers for Faithful Families. The editor, Naomi Krueger from Beaming Books selected prayers for the 3-6 year old crowd and laid them out with beautiful illustrations (which I have yet to see myself!) I did get to see ONE precious spread to share with you and it’s precious!

I’m excited for this book to be out in the world! Though it’s prayers that have been published before, it’s my first illustrated book, and (I promise you!) I’m just as excited to see the illustrations as you are!
Little Prayers is available for pre-order now, and I’m sure I’ll have much more to say about it as release time draws near!