On Dreams, Selling Door to Door with a Wagon, and a Book

When I decided to write my book about rituals, traditions and spiritual practices for families, I had a dream that it was published and everyone loved it. The day I signed a contract to actually publish it, I had a dream my computer keys were broken and I didn’t know how to type my own name. That’s how it is, sometimes, isn’t it? Full of hope and full of anxiety at weird times. 
I always knew I was going to publish this book. Maybe not with a publisher, but maybe an e-book or some other form. My mom, speaking as all great and encouraging moms should said “Yeah, if nothing else, you can always have Sam and Clayton sell them door to door with a wagon. Who could resist those two? 
It’s true, who could resist those two?
So here we are. I’m excited that Chalice Press will be the ones to publish this book. I think their distribution methods are probably a bit more advanced than having my sons carry my photocopied work door to door. Look for much more information in this space to come! 

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