As I write this, a lot of the back to school plans are up in the air because of the COVID-19 virus. Some districts are starting the new year in person, with modifications, some are offering a remote option, some are trying a hybrid model, and others are homeschooling, many for the first time.
The one consistent thing that I’m hearing from parents and educators all over the world is this: it’s different, hard and often overwhelming.
I wrote these prayers to give you and your family words when it feels like there are no words to say. My philosophy is that prayer with children should be simple, honest, and leave room for us to listen to God’s voice and our own intuition. Some of the prayers read like mantras or affirmations, others address God simply and directly. Use them however you feel is most beneficial for your family.
The packet of prayers includes:
A Prayer for Back To School
A Prayer for At Home (Remote) Learning
A Prayer for Blended Learning
A Prayer for Homeschooling
A Prayer in the time of COVID-19
A Prayer for Putting on a Mask
A Prayer for Washing My Hands
A Prayer for Healers
A Prayer for Scientists and Other Leaders
A Prayer for Living Day by Day
A Prayer for When I’m Out of My Routine
A Prayer for When I’m Tired and Overwhelmed
A Blessing for the School Space Inside the Home
A Blessing to Start the Day
A Blessing to End the Day
get them HERE