
Poetry as a Spiritual Practice for Moms (and everyone!)

If I had a dollar for every time a mother said to me (about parenting) “make sure you enjoy it, because it goes by fast,”  well, I’d definitely not have to say to Clayton “Not today because mama doesn’t have any dollars in her purse” when he’s asking me to go on that train in […]

Poetry as a Spiritual Practice for Moms (and everyone!) Read More »

World Mental Health Day: 5 Thoughts from a Pastor’s Perspective…

Today, as I’m sitting in a hospital waiting for my mother to come out of recovery for her knee surgery, I’m reminded that today is World Mental Health Day. Here are five things that are on my mind a lot when it comes to mental illness… 1. Mental Illness deserves the same treatment as physical

World Mental Health Day: 5 Thoughts from a Pastor’s Perspective… Read More »

Five reasons I’m telling the awful story about one of the worst moments of my life.

This isn’t a mommy blog, but this is a mommy story. I felt like I couldn’t not tell it. Tonight my two year old child choked on a piece of fruit. By “choked” I don’t mean that he was coughing and sputtering and I said “whoops, careful, honey.” I mean no crying, no breathing, no sounds…

Five reasons I’m telling the awful story about one of the worst moments of my life. Read More »

Birthday Blessing: A Simple Tradition

I can’t believe my little guys are two and three already! It really is true that the days are long and the years are short. In the book, I have a birthday tradition that is fabulous and it allows children to think about others on their birthday. This birthday blessing idea, though, is one of

Birthday Blessing: A Simple Tradition Read More »

On Friendship, Mentorship, and Kelly Allen for Moderator of the PCUSA

Kelly Allen for Moderator  OK, warning… this post might be boring if you are not Presbyterian (USA). I say might because it’s also a post mostly about friendship and what it means to be a good friend, which I think applies to everyone. Every other year in the Presbyterian church we all get together and vote

On Friendship, Mentorship, and Kelly Allen for Moderator of the PCUSA Read More »

Four Reasons Why This Pastor Encourages Egg Hunts in Churches

The Saturday before Easter, my lovely congregation will be holding a little Easter Egg hunt with cupcakes, cascarones, music and laughter. Some pastors might argue this is liturgically, theologically or spiritually inappropriate. I don’t think so, and here are four reasons why. 1. The Easter date was chosen to coincide with a pagan festival… there’s

Four Reasons Why This Pastor Encourages Egg Hunts in Churches Read More »