
4 Techie Productivity Tools for Pastors (and anyone who has a lot of different unconnected things to organize)

One of the things that pastors have to do (which I’m sure is not unique to a ministry job) is organize a whole lot of different things at the same time… sermon materials, lots and lots of meetings, little tasks, big tasks, on it goes. Everyone has their own system, but here are some tools

4 Techie Productivity Tools for Pastors (and anyone who has a lot of different unconnected things to organize) Read More »

Ten Things Parents of Teens are Doing Right

Recently an old post (from 2010) called “Top Ten Mistakes Christian Parents of Teens Make” started making the rounds on Facebook again. While I don’t know much about the author, I’m deeply interested in the subject matter. Encouraging parents as they raise faithful children is a passion, and I wrote the book on it. (Ok, a book.

Ten Things Parents of Teens are Doing Right Read More »