Here we are, in the season of advent. See, right there, you know I’m a pastor nerd. For most people, this is “the Holidays” or “the Christmas Season.” For pastors, it’s advent. What’s the difference? Well, advent is a time of waiting and longing for the coming of Christ. It’s actually kind of somber and very, very quiet. There’s not a lot of glitter or sparkle in advent, just a cool, dark, night. In advent we wait. I talked about this in my sermon yesterday, about how truly countercultural advent is. Absolutely everything around us screams SHOP! BUY! PURCHASE! DECORATE! For us to take a stand and decide to do something different
to slow down
to wait
to be still
we are recognizing that advent is a time of spiritual preparation, not all that different from Lent.
Yesterday I read the poem “Hurry” by Marie Howe. Even if you heard it yesterday in the sermon, it’s worth another listen in the poet’s own voice. You can hear it at the top of the page HERE.
How will you celebrate advent this year?
For further reflection: