When my son saw the envelope wall at our church for a refugee family, he asked if we could take one of the envelopes and bring it back, filled with money for the family. When I asked him which number we should take, he said “I don’t know… how much money do we have? What’s the most we have in our give jar?”
This is how children learn to give with joy and generosity.
Our congregation is doing an envelope fundraiser right now, and it’s a super simple way to get everyone to participate. Together we can do great things.
My church and I are looking for five churches to partner in this effort with us. If you partner with us we will:
*provide a branded flier (like the one here) for your congregation as well as Social Media images as they are created
*include you on an informational zoom call with a representative from the State department to explain the needs more completely
* partner with you via phone or zoom to coordinate all of the details.
You’ll be helping make a tangible difference in the lives of real people who need help. This is how we help. One at a time.
If you’re interested, please fill out the google form HERE and I’ll get back to you this week. Thank you so much for your interest and love for helping children make a difference in the world!

It’s super easy! Just put envelopes #1-100 (we went all the way up to 200!) and ask people to return the amount of money in the envelope and place in the box. (#22 brings back $22, #99 brings back $99, etc. It’s fun and easy, and I’ll help you write and design your campaign.

Let’s do this! I’m ready to help up to five churches in this effort! Contact me HERE.