How to Make a Simple Pentecost Take Home Box

Pentecost is such an exciting day in the life of the Church. It’s a celebration of the Holy Spirit! For some, the Holy Spirit is the easiest person in the trinity to relate to. For others, the Spirit is more of a mystery. Wherever you and your family are on your Pentecost journey, doing simple practices together opens up space for exploration and experience of the Holy Spirit.

I put together this quick and easy Pentecost take home box as an easy example of something you could do with your congregations. I’ve tried to show you a way to do it that isn’t overly expensive or cluttered with items that won’t be used. Take a look and let me know what you think!

This box includes:

  • Faith at Home, Pentecost Edition This is a simple double-sided newsletter that has activities for home, a prayer corner, a spotlight article, faith practice spotlight, and Bible verse. (I linked to the version that will allow you to print up to 100 copies)
  • ribbon to catch the wind (mine is pink, but linked to red ones! Red is the color of Pentecost.
  • Red Velvet Cake Mix to celebrate the Church’s birthday
  • bubbles!
  • Red paper and instructions for an origami bird
  • All of these items can be packed easily in these boxes or shoeboxes/bags

You could include anything else you like! Remember, keep it simple, and have fun!

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