Smart Phone Meditation – 4 Minute Meditation With Your Phone #spiritualpractice #seamlessfaith


I’m glued to my phone, just like so many people. Recently I’ve been thinking about a few ways to not be. I have a few ideas rolling around in my head about how to become unglued and I’ll write a post about those sometime soon. For now, though, here’s a way to use your phone as a spiritual practice. It’s so easy!

  1. Go to your text messages. Pray, specifically, for the last five people in there, whoever they are. (One minute)
  2. Go to your photos, is there something in there that brings you joy or makes you thankful? Thank God for it. (One minute)
  3. Open up a news app or go to a news page… scroll through the headlines, praying for the issues that you see. (One minute)
  4. Open a Bible app (or use google) and read Psalm 145. (One minute.)

So easy, and so unexpected, right? We did this in our parenting class on Sunday and had some interesting discussions about it.

Source: This meditation is adapted from one that Lily Lewin did at a conference I was at awhile ago.

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