The best blueberry-lime sauce for your ice-cream! #offtopic #delicious #nomnomnom

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for this:


I mean… yum.

Before I had this blog, I blogged at Mrs. Smith Cooks. I don’t post there nearly as much as I used to, but I have a whole file full of things that I’d like to share. The cool thing about recipe blogs is that they never “expire” per se, so all of the recipes on there are just as delicious as ever. It’s sort of an online diary of my favorite things and little recipes and techniques that delight me. This blueberry sauce is truly delightful, I think. It’s simple and special, and it doesn’t take much time to make. Bonus points for the sticky toddler faces and hands that devour this sauce and leave purple fingerprints on the walls. Won’t have that forever. Head on over to Mrs. Smith Cooks and check out the recipe. 

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